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Near Death Testimony from Judge Larry Winfrey

Larry Winfrey has given me permission to share this testimony.   Grab a box of Kleenex and maybe a sweater for the cold chills you will get in the middle of it.
"During my recent medical crisis, I was unconscious for two days. The
following is what I experienced during that time. If you have the time
and the inclination, I would be interested in your thought. I am
pasting what I have sent to others who have inquired. Thank you!
Thank you for expressing interest in hearing what happened to me
during the two days of unconsciousness, it has had a profound effect
upon me. Whether real or imagined, or you believe it or not makes no
difference, it will all depend on your relationship with God. Nor will
it affect my appreciation for you.
I could not breathe! I remember thinking I was dead and that I was not
ready to die. I thought of my family.
I did not see any bright light or passed loved ones. I did not see any
angels enveloped in a holy penumbra. What I saw was Satan himself! We
were in a barren concrete wasteland with a blue sky. He did not look
like the devil. He was wearing blue jeans, boots and a flannel shirt.
He was strong looking with a barrel chest wavy dark hair and a full
beard. His eyes were dead and he had a wicked grin. I had no doubt who
it was staring at me nor about what he wanted. I knew we were going to
fight. We took off charging at each other and collided like two big
horn sheep. We fought, punched, gouged and grappled. I started to
weaken and as my strength would wane he would get stronger. He finally
had me in a choke hold that even though I resisted I knew I was not
going to be able to overcome. He then started to whisper in my
ear...submit to me and this will be over. He said this repeatedly. I
was finally at my breaking point and knew my submission would happen
soon, then...
I hear a voice say "do you want that thing out of your throat?" As I
rasp "yes" "yes, more than anything," I turn my head slightly and see
a scraggly black man in a stocking hat laying in the bed beside me. He
kinda reminded me of Grady from Sandford and Sons (bizarre I know). He
told me how to remove the pulsox device from my finger even though my
hands were completely restrained. He told me if I did that the doctor
would come in and take the breathing tube out. With much effort I was
able get the pulsox off which set off the alarm and brought the doctor
into the room. He seen that I was conscious and able to breathe on my
own so he removed the breathing tube and sweet glorious unrestricted
air poured in!
I looked at Sharon, my beautiful and awesome wife who never left my
side, and said the guy in the bed beside mine saved my life! She said
"what man?" I said, "the black man with the stocking hat right over
there" pointing. She informed me that we were the only two in the
room! I quickly looked over my shoulder and was shocked to find that
not only was he not there but that mine was the only bed in the room!
Sharon says she has never seen such a shocked look on my face.
Although I do not remember it, she said I also said there was another
man in the room standing behind me and that it was Satan.
As I told this story to my family, I was scared, terrified actually. I
told them that I knew my fight with Satan was not over and also knew
it was a fight I could not win. This made my 17 year old son, Luke,
very angry. He got my face and said "yes, Dad, it is a fight you can
win!" "Not on your own but with God on your side!" "Don't you see that
is what happened here, you should be rejoicing." He was quoting
scripture and was very adamant. It dawned on me (I can be kinda thick
headed sometimes) what he was trying to get me to understand. The
battle with Satan was won over 2000 years ago. While I fought with
Satan and he had me close to submission, God is more powerful! He sent
His angel, whom I will call Grady, and the fight was over! I with
God's help had won! And much to my relief will win every time!
Side note: This all seemed to happen in a very short time. I was
shocked when Sharon said it had been two days and that I was in
Springfield, not Lebanon!
On Thursday, the day before I woke up, I was very agitated,
aggressive, and crude although I remember nothing of this day, was on
a ventilator and restrained. One person cheekily said it was as if I
was possessed. But during one moment of calm I scrawled the word
Satan. When people were making light of it, they said my face became
very intense and I scrawled the word "serious."
My Dad had traveled from Oklahoma City and was staying in a nearby
hotel. When I told this story, Dad became very serious and started
asking a lot of questions about "Grady." If you know my Dad, you would
know he does not talk in a crowd and just does talk about this stuff
ever. When he and my stepmom were getting ready to leave for home on
Sunday, Dad got in my face in a room full of people and said, "I got
to know about Grady, did he have any front teeth, what color of
socking hat, etc?" I told him that I could not get a good look at him
because we were both strapped to beds and there was not much light. I
knew he was black, thin, scraggly beard and he wore a stocking hat. He
said, "the reason I must know is that late Thursday night (just hours
before I awoke) as we were headed back to the hotel a black man with a
stocking hat got on the elevator with us and walked us to the parking
lot. He was extremely nice, said he occasionally did work at this
hospital and assured us everything was going to be OK. When we reached
our car, we turned and he was gone."
I don't think I saw a light or a passed love one because it was never
God's intent to call me home. He was wanting to send me a different
message, maybe multiple messages. I do not pretend to know what all
this means but I am on that quest. Maybe what this means in your life
should be your quest.
Thank you for reading my life changing event.
Larry Winfrey, Jr."


Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for sharing.

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