The issue of eminent domain has come into play again among the presidential candidates. As I listen to the various debates and interviews, there seems to be much confusion over the distinction made between whether the property to be taken is to be used for the private benefit of the person taking same, or whether the property under consideration is needed for public use. I have noticed that the Democrat candidates have not mentioned the issue and I have read in my research that controversies over the right of eminent domain seem to be more in the “domain” of the Republican party. Be that as it may, again I am not writing to uphold or put down any candidate, but just to give you some more information as you do your own research to come to your own conclusions. This is the second article I have written on the subject, and I am focusing on the issue of eminent domain as it stands in the State of Missouri. The Castle Coalition, a nationwide grassroots property activism project by the...