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 First Editions written by Joan Rowden Hart  in 2017.

In the living books on the shelves of the eternal library of life, we are all first editions.  No one has ever been exactly like us since the world began, and there will never be anyone exactly like us even until the end of time.

Our book was nothing but blank pages when the Great Author of life conceived us in His mind, numbering both the  days of life we would have (see Psalm 139)  and numbering the hairs on our head (see Matthew 10).

He knows our story from beginning to end, and the narrative is unlike that of anyone else, and to confirm that fact He stamped our unique fingerprint on the tips of our fingers.  Those are our copyrights.

Then he sent us out into the world, where we began to fill the book of our life with our own story, making decisions which will impact our destiny for eternity.

Every page is a clean slate.  Every dawning is a new day and as darkness descends amid the night time sounds of the nocturnal creatures in our part of the world, we should make time  to go back over that day’s page to check for lessons learned and to draft letters of apology to those we might have hurt. And to those who have hurt us, we must immediately extend forgiveness. Every page should include a gratitude list of blessings received.

There are no do-overs.  Missed opportunities may or may not be allowed to roll over until the next day, as our Omniscient  Editor deems best.  The seconds, minutes and hours of that day are gone forever, never to come around again, and they are deducted from the alloted days given to us at the beginning whether we used them wisely or not.

Only our Maker knows the value of an eternal soul, so no price tag will appear  anywhere.

When our time is up, and the last page and paragraph, sentence and word has been written, God will close the book and put it on the shelf in His archives.  And in the years to come, our loved ones will ask to read it.  As they scan the pages, will they be embarrassed and full of shame?  Or will they be encouraged and ask for copies to share with their younger family members who are trying to follow in our footsteps?

As time goes by the words on the pages of our archived book will fade away and become memories engraved on the hearts of those who loved us.  But God, the Author of life,will never forget.  And if we have served Him during our lifetime on earth, He will remember us as one of His best creations, and shelve us in a special place in His great library surrounding His throne.

©Joan Rowden Hart 2022


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