THE COMMENCEMENT SPEECH I’VE NEVER BEEN ASKED TO GIVE I have given several thousand speeches and sermons in my 25 years of pastoral ministry, including motivational and political presentations before I was ordained, but I have never given a Commencement address. That would have been a fun thing to do since I love public speaking even more than I do writing. It’s too late in my life now for such a thing, but here’s what I would say if I were doing it. I would tell you to continue your education in whatever area you feel comfortable and/or challenged. Not everyone is suited for college, but this country also needs people who have graduated from trade schools like beauticians and mechanics and plumbers and electricians. Six months of barber college qualified my husband to get a barber license, but it took many years of hard work and long hours to enable him to build a large customer base here in Lebanon. Now in his 57th year of cutting hair for some of his original customers...