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Remember back when you were a little kid and did something wrong, whether accidentally or on purpose, and your mom or dad would tell you that no matter how bad it was, you would make it worse by lying about it?

Apparently Obama's mom didn't tell him that.

Have you been watching the constant news clips where he looks at you with a straight face and says in defense of his decision to  release five Taliban commandos in exchange for deserter Bowe Bergdahl:  "America never leaves one of our military personnel to die.  We never abandon one of them.  Period.  Even if it appears hopeless we try anyway.  It's the right thing to do, that's what America does."

Oh, yeah?  First of all we leave Ambassador Chris Stevens to be tortured and killed in Benghazi, along with Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.  The White House said, "we couldn't have got there in time".  So much for "We never abandon one of them.  Even if it appears hopeless, we try anyway."

 Instead of running to the sound of guns as all military people are taught to do, our Commander in Chief ran to bed.  “Got to get my beauty sleep, got a big fundraiser with Beyonce tomorrow.”   Give me a break.

Two months ago, Marine Sgt Andrew Tahmooressi made a wrong turn at the American border and ended up in Mexico.  Several newspeople have checked out his route and confirmed the signage was wrong due to construction work, the lanes were confusing, and it could have happened to anybody.  For weeks he has been brutally tortured and no one in the White House or State Department has lifted a finger to help him.

He is one of our uniformed military on active duty at the time, Mr. President.  A letter demanding that he muster for further deployment was even sent to his home address while he is being held prisoner in Mexico.

Your administration says that once the White House receives 100,000 signers on an online petition to get him home, you will consider it.  Is that the current value of a dedicated U.S. Marine now?

First of all, if even one of our marines has been abducted and held prisoner, why
​should it take 100,000 Americans to ​effect​ his release?  But now you have received 120,000 and your White House National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden says, "Each petition that crosses the threshold of 100,000 signatures will be reviewed by the appropriate policy staff and receive a response (but) response times vary.  We're not in a position to comment on the substance of a response before it has been issued."

Mr. President, you once said that if you had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin.  Apparently he would not look like Marine Sgt Andrew Tahmooressi or you would go to the Oval Office and pick up the phone​ and
call the President of Mexico directly and demand he be returned immediately.  Why haven't you done so?  Inquiring minds want to know.  We demand to know.  We have a right to know.  He ​is one of ours and has
 a right to be freed but you have left him there to suffer.  You have abandoned him.

​And yet you have put the safety of all our uniformed military as well as all American civilians at risk to "rescue" a man who from all reports so far, chose to discard the uniform of the United States Military  and walk out on  his buddies and his unit to go off and seek out the Taliban.

 And furthermore, you gave orders to our military to find him and rescue him at any cost, which we now know caused the death of at least six loyal faithful soldiers who spent their time and gave their lives looking for him while the legitimate needs of our military there went unmet  because  the vehicles, planes and manpower were being used to find a deserter who didn’t want to be found.

Then you sent out another habitual liar, Susan Rice, to further buttress your feckless argument.  What in the world is it with your administration?   Apparently you chose them, including Jay Carney, not just because they are liars, but because they can do it with such aplomb and shamelessness.

Keith Koffler, veteran White House reporter, lists 24 scandals for this White House, all predicated on lies, including but not limited to the  IRS targeting Obama's enemies, Benghazi which is actually 3 scandals in one, the Associated Press scandal in which Fox News Reporter James Rosen was accused of wrongdoing, the ATF Fast and Furious gun scheme, the Eric Holder perjury accusation, Kathleen Sibelius and the Obamacare debaucle,  the GSA wine drinking orgy in the bathtub, the Solyndra coverup, the hacking of Sharon Attkisson's computer, and  the arrest of
Nakoula Basseley Nakoula​, for making​ an anti-Muslim video.

Add to the list  the subsequent use of $72,000 in taxpayer funds for a video featuring  the president and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton apologizing for making the Muslims angry enough to burn down our embassy at Benghazi and kill our Ambassador and others, all of which we now know was just a fictitious concoction from the combined fantasies of Obama, Hillary and Susan Rice.

​With all of these scandals and many more it has just been one lie after another.  The fact that the president and his people would do it is bad enough, but I am highly offended that they think the American citizenry, including me, are dumb enough not to know the difference when in effect, it is actually revealing to us how lacking they are in intelligence, sensitivity and just plain common sense.  Perhaps that’s what they mean by being a “transparent” administration.  We can see right through them.


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