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My column this weekend.
"More Questions Than Opinions"

I usually use this column to express my opinions. This week I have nothing but questions.

Why isn’t there more of an outcry and an outspoken sense of anger about what is happening to America? Many of us are outraged but why don’t our neighbors and family members sense the urgency or see the danger approaching?

During my years as a pastor, I often used the story of the Titanic as an illustration in sermons and I read every book I could find about that tragedy - a tragedy that should never have happened.

Why did the passengers and crew ignore the many warnings on that fateful night of April 15, 1912? Why were the people so complacent in believing that the captain and crew were doing their job and watching out for them? Why were they neglectful about having lifeboats at the ready and crew members trained to use them?

Sometimes I feel like I’m standing on the deck of the American Titanic and that we are quickly going under. But most people still believe our leaders know what they are doing and that they care about us. News flash - wake up! They don’t know. And they don’t care.

Why don’t the people we send to Washington to represent us take our mandate seriously instead of following their own agenda once they get there? Why do they grab the large salary we pay them and enjoy all the perks of the position and then continue to do their own thing and have the audacity to ignore us if we dare speak up?

Where are the men and women who are not afraid to speak truth to power? Where are the Joe Wilsons in 2015? You remember him - the Republican Congressman from South Carolina who had the courage to shout out to the President during a speech on September 9, 2009 to the joint session of Congress, “You lie!”

It took guts to stand out from the crowd and he was soundly castigated even by his fellow Republicans for challenging the President. But he was right, and he knew it. Why aren’t more people speaking out for what’s right?

Why are our elected officials afraid of this imperial presidency and refuse to stand up to those he has plucked from the halls of academia, who know nothing but what they have been taught by liberal college professors who have never lived a day outside their ivory tower?

Why are the media and members of Congress not calling out the president and his administration for repeatedly lying to the American people? In December of 2013 John Smith, Chairman of the Business Political Action Committee of Palm Beach County wrote an article detailing just the top 20 lies of the President his first five years in office. Why does the president consistently stay at the top of the Washington Post’s annual top lies of the year?

Why does nobody ever get fired in Washington? Why did the corrupt Lois Lerner of the IRS get to keep her annual salary of $177,000 after leaving her post there until she officially retired many months later? Why did she receive a bonus of $130,000 just for staying with the IRS? Why are we continuing to pay her over $100,000 per year as lifetime retirement, even after she lied to the Congress and to us taxpayers?

Why don’t we have military strategists reporting to us from the podiums of the State Department and other government agencies? I have nothing against blondes and red headed women, but why are we not receiving these updates from men and women who know what it is to have been deployed and know the rigors and dangers of the battlefield?

Why won’t the president call in battle hardened soldiers and marines who understand the enemy and their methods of warfare to sit on his council of military advisers? Why isn’t he using retired military leaders to mentor our present day military?

Why isn’t there a provision somewhere in our military code or constitution that allows leaders with common sense and knowledge to step forward when the president has become derelict in his duty? How long do we have to put up with his incompetence in fighting those who are determined to kill us ? Why doesn’t his conduct fall within at least one of the three categories which have been historically used to file Articles of Impeachment of presidents?

I never thought I would see the day when I would say this, but nothing Bill Clinton ever did compares to what this president has done as far as working to destroy America.

Why hasn’t the president used his bully pulpit to speak forcefully against those who are persecuting Christians and those who are kidnapping and raping and abusing innocent women and children? Why are Christians silent when their brothers and sisters are being beheaded, crucified or burned alive?

Why has the Veterans Administration Secretary not been fired for lying on his military service resume about serving with the Special Forces? Why are our veterans still dying in the VA hospitals for lack of adequate care?

Why doesn’t the media and members of Congress call out John Kerry and remind younger Americans of his history during the Viet Nam war period? (If you are part of the generation too young to have that knowledge, I encourage you to get to a computer and do some research.)

Why are we getting mixed messages from the White House? First Kerry comes out to tell us that America and the entire world is more safe today than at any other time in the last century, then not even 24 hours later, James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, comes to the podium and warns us that the year 2014 was the deadliest year for terrorism ever recorded in the last fifty years and it is only going to get worse.

Have the inmates completely taken over the asylum?


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