I'm posting my newspaper column from yesterday. Not only is it Lebanon history but I often get requests from people who know about it but didn't see it the first time and most times I don't have time to go back into my archives and find it. So hopefully you will file it away where you can find it again. LOL REMEMBERING GILBERT VERNON AND THE NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY STORE I appreciate the calls this week from those of you inquiring about the absence of my columns. I have a painful back condition which has kept me from working at my computer for the past two weeks. I have gone back into my files for an article I wrote for the community news page several years ago. I chose it because it features Gilbert Vernon who has been chosen as a recipient of one of the 2016 Community Achievement Awards for the Wall of Honor at the Cowan Civic Center next week. I am submitting it just as I wrote it several years prior to his death, but I am updating the information at the end. The Nei...