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To my Facebook friends

 My Facebook posts have evolved through the years. I still like to make my friends laugh with a silly story or a joke or a cartoon, or get you caught up in a drama that seemingly could only happen to me, or just sharing a memory in a special photo, but more and more I am trying to post words that will inspire you or encourage you. I also like to post informational articles about subjects that might interest you - something you didn’t have time to read or watch.

And you know of course that I love to read and especially write poetry so I will share lots of "rhyme and reason" with you, too.
My days revolve around the computer, doing research on subjects in which I am interested and want to pass on to you, or surfing Facebook to keep up with my friends.
I am not lazy. Unless you are pretty much confined to one room, as I am, you probably can’t understand how very much I would like to be able to walk through my house and clean up the clutter and wipe off the dust and put away the clothing and dishes or sweep the floors.
But since I can’t wipe down the cobwebs from around my collection of 60 years of “decor” and elephant collections (which I have long outgrown), Frankoma pottery, Noah’s Ark figurines and hanging chimes (which now serve only as dustcatchers,) I try to keep the cobwebs out of my mind by reading the books and newspapers which surround my desk, and touching base with you all when I gather up enough brain power to do so.
You all have become my social circle as my contacts with former business and ministerial colleagues have dwindled and I'm no longer able to go to church. Being home-bound is not so bad. I rather like it because I’ve never been one for small talk, or joining clubs, or attending parties anyway. (Although I do miss shopping sometimes.)
The only good part about having constant pain as a daily companion is that it has drawn me closer to my Lord and that brings me full circle to my reason for writing this post - it allows me to share my thoughts about Him in writing essays and poetry, and to gather up your prayer requests which I sometimes find by reading between the lines. I’m sure many of you have no idea how often your name is mentioned in prayer in this house or how we even found out you needed prayer, but I really do read your posts even if I don’t always comment.
So don’t forget to stop by this page when you think about it. It may be that I have posted something that God wants you to see at just that time or at that place in your life.
©Joan Rowden Hart 2017


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