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Obama and Constitution

 We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

News Flash to the President: You have only one job. This is it. It’s made up of six components and you have failed in all of them. We do not pay you to raise funds for the Democratic party. We do not pay you to play golf or take your family all over the world on sight-seeing tours.
We pay you to get up every morning and focus on creating a political and economic environment that will unite us as a country; assure that every citizen is treated justly under the law; and conduct yourself in such a way that the people of this great nation can live in peaceful tranquility together, (and that includes the Congress with whom you must work as difficult as it may be) and with the peoples of the world.
We pay you to lead the way in providing for the common defense, i.e. to establish and support the mightiest army this world has ever known, the most well equipped navy that has ever sailed the high seas, the best air force that has ever lifted a wing to the sky, not because we want to rule the world but because we want to defend this great nation from all evil forces that desire to penetrate our borders or harm one of our citizens or disturb the soil upon which we live and work.
We pay you to establish policies that will promote and uplift the common good. Buy a dictionary. That word “welfare” in the context of the original Constitution does not mean what you apparently think it does.
We pay you and all those you appoint to serve in your Cabinet and in all government offices here and around the world to do everything in your power to keep secure the freedoms that men and women who were here long before you came and bled and died to provide this glorious liberty for us.
To secure liberty to our posterity does not mean we are paying you to assure that your political goals and agenda will live on as your legacy; it means we are paying you to make sure our children and grandchildren and all generations yet to come will be able to live as free citizens in this majestic nation.
You have abdicated your constitutional duties in every way. You have turned the most basic and critical decisions of government over to unelected bureaucrats who have no background or training or education or the required skill sets to handle the details of such responsibilities.
Question: Why has the decision as to whether to limit or ban certain flights from certain countries due to the Ebola crisis been left up to the director of the CDC, an administrative position at the most? That should be the President’s decision after long and careful consultation with several medical experts.
Question: Why is the National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, who oversees the National Security Council Staff and is responsible for the coordination and integration of the Administration’s foreign policy, allowed to go on television and tell Americans that Turkey had given the USA the right to use its Incirlik air base from which to wage an air war against ISIS and to provide arms and training to those who were fighting ISIS when that was not true. Turkey actually made two bomb attacks against the Kurds while Rice was telling this, and then couldn’t wait to put out their own denial that such an agreement was made.
This is the same Susan Rice who was sent out by the Administration to lie to the American people on five cable TV shows on the Sunday morning following the Benghazi attack by blaming a YouTube video which had nothing to do with it. Rice was simply providing a cover up for the President and Hillary Clinton of which we will have proof once the Select Committee on Benghazi finishes its investigation.
And this is the same Susan Rice who appeared on national television to defend the President’s illegal release of five terrorists from Gitmo in exchange for Beau Bergdahl, who she said “served with honor and distinction” when the truth is that he deserted his post and his fellow platoon mates so that he could join the Taliban.
Question: Why does the President continue to keep these people in important government positions and allow them to make policy decisions which affect our national security when it is apparent they do not know what they are talking about?
Question: Why doesn’t the President listen to his experienced and knowledgeable military advisers instead of letting Valerie Jarrett make the decisions and then putting Marie Harf and Jen Psaki on television to discuss military strategy they know nothing about? No offense, girls, I know you have more degrees after your names than you could fit on the Great Wall of China, but military experts you are not. Give it up, and let our army, navy, air force and marines handle it.
General David Petraeus would have made mincemeat of ISIS by now, as would General Norman Schwarzkopf, and do we even need to mention Lt. Col. Oliver North? I know. I’m dreaming. But I’m sure we have men of like caliber in our military forces now. (And by the way I’m not condoning what General Petraeus did, but we’ve had Commanders-In-Chief who have done worse. Just saying.)
So, back to the Constitution. And that’s just what we need to do - go back to the Constitution. Our Harvard Constitutional professor turned President needs to read it, and then he and the entire legislative, judicial and executive branches need to live by it.


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