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4 years ago
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This is my column today. Warning: It is political satire and if that offends you please scroll on past. I'm not in the mood for arguments today. My facebook pages are for my opinions. If you have a differing opinion, use your own page!! Just sayin'.
We are a nation obsessed with watching or reading the news. That’s not surprising because
the word ”news” implies that we are learning something we didn’t know before. But nowadays when we listen to the news most of us just end up shaking our heads in bewilderment or rolling our eyes in astonishment.
Let me share with you some questions I have been wondering about AFTER listening to the news.
Does it seem to you that people like Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff have reached a level of arrogance that we have never seen before?
How else can you explain that Schiff had the pomposity to do a parody of the President with regard to a phone call before his colleagues in Congress. I kept waiting for someone to pop up behind him and shout “Its Saturday Night, LIVE!” But do you know what is even more incredible? Even days later in an interview with the host of Good Morning America, Pelosi claimed on national television that Schiff’s reading was the exact same as what Trump had said to the Ukrainian president.
“I want the American people to know what that phone call was about,” Pelosi said. “It’s sad but he was using the president’s own words.”
You can’t make this stuff up! Nancy, Sweetie, you are way too old for that job.
Have you noticed that members of Congress and other politicians are nothing but a group of dilettants just preening before the cameras hoping to impress you? If that word is a new one to you, let me reassure you I had to look it up also. It means an amateur, someone who dabbles in a given branch of knowledge, who is superficial and desultory with no plan or purpose. I am using it because it is so appropriate for this column.
How else could you describe how former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who together with his co-horts Peter Strzok, James Comey or John Brennan, actually thought they could devise an “insurance policy” to give them cover in the event Hillary Clinton lost her bid for the presidency in 2016?
Only amateurs such as amours Peter Strzok and Lisa Page would carry on an illicit love affair through their work email right under the eyes of their colleagues in the FBI. But they were so sure that they knew so much they had no difficulty at all with making fun of American citizens who shop at Walmart, going so far as to say they could smell Walmart shoppers.
Has there ever been any action as amateurish as that of Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch meeting on the tarmac of a large airport in broad daylight just days before Clinton’s wife was to have an interview with the FBI about her handling of classified emails? They were discussing grandchildren? Give me a break. Lynch didn’t even have children, let alone grandchildren.
And when James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence, lied to Congress about whether the NSA collected the telephone records of millions of Americans back in 2013, is it any wonder he had to cover his bald head and face with his hands as he sat at the table, hoping members of Congress wouldn’t see or hear him mumble his false testimony. But CNN apparently has no problem with that. He is still lying to the American people as one of the newsmen on “The Lead”.
John Brennan, the former head of the CIA, also lied to Congress and the American people under oath. So I guess Adam Schiff is just living up to his role models in Congressional hearings.
© Joan Rowden Hart


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